The Hot Springs Welcome Center of Madison County is located at 106 Bridge Street, the main street in Hot Springs, North Carolina. It is located directly on the Appalachian Trail, across the street from the Post Office and next door to Gentry Hardware Store.
Our goal is for the Center to be open from 10:00 am–5:00 pm daily. We have a manager and friendly staff at the Center.
The Welcome Center is a new facility with approximately 1600 square feet. It is handsomely decorated and has comfortable furnishings and informative exhibits. There are bathrooms and free wireless internet and landline.
Travel Information
You will find a wealth of information in the Welcome Center about:
- Activities, Lodging and Dining in Hot Springs, NC
- Attractions, Barn Tours, Small Towns and Activities throughout Madison County, NC
- Local and Regional Historical Exhibits
History and Nature Exhibits
The Welcome Center has excellent exhibits which will inform you about our fascinating history and the natural world. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy has an informative display, including footprints of local animals. The displays about area history include the following: the Buncombe Turnpike, which ran through town in the early 1800’s; a series of fabulous hotels which were built here; the German Internment during WW1; Cecil Sharp’s Collection of folk songs; and much more.